Nineteen: The Four Dimensions

Dear DU community members,

Welcome to spring term! 我知道我们都期待着未来阳光明媚的月份.

今年2月,我分享了我对第一项战略任务的看法. 今天,我们将探讨“四维体验”,这是战略要务之二的核心.

当我来到杜时,我被我们对待学生学习的全面方式所打动. Listening to faculty and staff, 很明显,杜学生在课堂内外都是全天候学习. And this was affirmed as I read DU IMPACT 2025, which outlined DU’s aspiration to teach the whole student.

Why a holistic, 4D experience? 因为我们希望我们的学生有目标的生活,有成就的事业, and we want them to be servants of the public good. But the world is complicated. 气候变化、财富不平等和不公正加剧是普遍存在的挑战. Students need more than just a great intellectual and academic journey; they also need experiences from which they can build comprehensive life skills. This is what the 4D experience aspires to deliver.

我相信,全面的4D体验将有助于MG线上电子游戏应对高等教育面临的挑战. 我也相信,它有潜力让MG线上电子游戏成为一所创新的大学,为学生提供他们所需要的东西,让他们过上自己想要的生活,服务社会.

This past fall, we launched our pilot of the 4D Experience. 下面是对4D体验飞行员实际情况的一瞥, from the perspective of a student. 这基本上是基于我们试点项目中一名学生Colleen的真实经历.

Jeremy Haefner

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    Exploring Character

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    Pursuing careers and lives of purpose

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    Advancing intellectual growth

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    Promoting well-being

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    July 16, 2020

    Colleen, an incoming first-year student, registers for the Design Your DU first-year seminar (FSEM). She is now one of DU’s very first 4D students.

    这个FSEM是MG线上电子游戏4D体验试点启动的一部分. Through this pilot, 4D will be shaped by the feedback of Colleen, 她的同学和教授本学年“设计你的DU”课程的教员们.

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    September 7, 2020

    科琳开始了她在杜克大学的第一年,也是她的“探索之年”,” which, as a 4D student, includes holistic co-curricular learning.

    Colleen从第一天到毕业都是4D学生. 4D体验的第一年侧重于探索. Breadth, not depth. Each quarter, in addition to her classwork, 科琳将在四个维度中的每一个维度中参加一次课堂外的学习体验(课外学习)——每学年12次课外体验. 她和她的4D同伴从4D实施团队策划的选项菜单中选择学习选项.

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    September and beyond

    Colleen connects with other 4D students and faculty members.

    In this pilot phase, the Design Your DU fsmes是Colleen和其他4D学生在DU的第一个季度的“大本营”. Through a research-based curriculum, customized by her professor, 科琳发展了一种MG线上电子游戏四个维度的语言,以及她如何在她的生活中探索和建立它们. 她还参与了她的4D队列,并接受了她的教授和4D队列协调员的指导和指导. Colleen’s entry into DU feels supportive, 她立即与不同的学生群体建立了联系和友谊.

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    September 23

    Colleen learns a new way to promote her well-being.

    科琳决定参加一个MG线上电子游戏身份盗窃和诈骗的研讨会. 这满足了她本季度的幸福课外学习经验要求. 这也有助于她更多地了解一个新的、有时令人困惑的话题. 学习如何保护自己和自己的财务状况会让她感到更自信,因为她在经济上变得更加独立.

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    October 7, 2020

    Colleen starts exploring how to pursue a career and life of purpose.

    科琳是一名长笛演奏家,正在攻读表演艺术学士学位. 她想成为一名音乐家,但不知道那到底是什么样子. To connect with professional musicians and other students, 科琳参加了阿灵顿大学举办的长笛节. 她还会见了4D项目协调员,讨论职业目标. 这些活动符合她本季度的职业要求, 科琳觉得她对实现长期目标的道路有了更好的认识.

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    October 8, November 2, and every other week all quarter

    Colleen makes choices to invest in her intellectual growth.

    除了科琳在课堂上的卓越学习经验之外, 她会参加教授的办公时间,以获得额外的支持,并为法语提供辅导,以培养自己的技能. 这样,她就可以满足本季度的智力增长要求.

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    November 14, 2020

    Colleen builds skills that help shape her character.

    To meet this quarter’s character requirement, 科琳参加了一个午餐会,学习如何处理冲突和棘手的对话. 作为一个年轻的成年人,科琳从来没有接受过这些复杂话题的正式学习, 而且,当她在校园里遇到困难时,她觉得自己准备得更充分了, at internships, or with friends and family.

What’s next for Colleen and her 4D peers?

科琳作为一名4D学生在杜克大学的第一个季度非常成功. She met all her goals, and in doing so had new, interesting, 宝贵的经验,并与校园内的人建立联系. 她感到被支持、参与,并且已经有了归属感.

下个季度,每个维度都会有新的节目供她选择. Though 4D, Colleen and her peers will receive certifications, which they can use to pursue internships, scholarships or even jobs after they graduate. 明年,也就是科琳的大二,她的服装将更加合身. 她将迎来“定义之年”,而不是“发现之年”.”